CheqBook generates the essential reports accountants and business owners need to stay on top of things, and most importantly be ready for tax time.
Profit & Loss Run comparative P&Ls — subtotal by month, quarter, and year — and switch easily between business and personal expenses.
Balance Sheets An overview of assets and liabilities — what you own and what you owe. CheqBook shows you, quickly and accurately.
General Ledger & Trial Balance Basically, a look at all your company’s trannsactions — the money in and the money out. Essential for preparing financial statements. We make it simple.
AR & AP Aging Simply and accurately keep tabs on past-due payments — both bills you owe and money that’s owed to you.
Lists Instantly generate lists of payees/vendors, customers, products/services and a chart of accounts. All the tools you need to sort and review the things that matter to your business.